
Sat, Jun 27, 2020 1-minute read

This site is build using HUGO, a static site genarator with its Template and hosted on github.



After installation

Start a project:

    hugo new site <site-name>

For initialising a empty git repo

cd <site-name>
git init

For using a template

Download a theme as a git-submodule from Hugo Themes

For Downloading as a git-submodule

git submodule add <theme git-reposotory link> themes/<theme-name>

Adding the theme to the config.toml file

For this you can reffer the example site


Or copy the example site

 cp themes/<theme-name>/exampleSite/* . -r

After copying the example site modify the changes as per your need.

For adding new post

hugo new post/<>

For running the site on localhost

hugo server

Hosting and Deploying The site

Reffer HUGO hosting

After you build the site type the command
